We've got 9 definitions for BEAD »

What does BEAD stand for? 

What does BEAD mean? A Simple Guide To The Slang Internet Term Everyone's Using. This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term: BEAD.

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BEAD Beginning Extended Area Descriptor (digital technology) 0 0
BEAD Bloomington Entertainment and Arts District (Indiana) 0 0
BEAD Bloomington Entertainment Arts District 0 0
BEAD Bereaved through Alcohol and Drugs 0 0
BEAD Beading 0 0
BEAD Business Exchange on AIDS and Development 0 0
BEAD Bachelor of Education After Degree 0 0
BEAD Brussels Evolutionary Algorithms Day (conference) 0 0
BEAD Built Environment, Art and Design (Curtin University of Technology; Perth, Western Australia, Australia) 0 0